After entering the virtual reality market, the client decided they wanted to expand into different markets for a wider range of services and were looking to create new revenue streams; however, they were unsure which markets had the most viability.


ACE’s approach was to conduct an in-depth analysis on the key economic drivers in the feasible markets that the client could possibly penetrate into and outlined key factors which may either hinder or help the industry grow. Additionally, analysis on the current competitors and future outlook were done to differentiate where the client can fit in the respective markets.


Finally, strategies were developed by ACE for both the short-term and long-term. Our approach was based on the expectation of the growth of the Virtual Reality industry, so that we can pivot our strategies to the expected accessibility and reach of the product. Our strategies identified who to target in the market, why they should target them as well as the approach they should take to acquire new clients.

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